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Columbia News

Stay up to date on news from across Columbia, including the latest on research and initiatives around the world, milestones, events, media mentions, and campus life.

A woman and a small girl look inside a terrarium.
Columbia Neighbors

Get the latest news about Columbia programs and resources for the Upper Manhattan community as well as local stories, events, and tips on where to go, eat, and shop Uptown.

A stack of newspapers
Clip Report

This curated "clip" report highlights news media coverage about Columbia faculty, researchers, staff, and students.

Screenshot of sites.columbia.edu showing the Columbia University flag waving in the wind
Columbia Sites

Get the latest features and tips for this custom Drupal platform, which offers affordable, easy-to-use websites for Columbia research, academic, student, and administrative groups.

Columbia University Events
University Events Calendar

Administrative calendar managers should subscribe to this newsletter to get the latest platform updates and release notes.

A grid of dark and light blues listing a font stack and the word “Columbia”
Columbia Creative

Columbia Creative sends an occassional newsletter highlighting its offerings, which include digital and print design, branding, and advertising services.

The columns of Low Memorial Library

We add new features regularly; stay on top of them. SecurePay, a partnership with CUIT, offers a secure, easy way to collect credit card payments using customizable forms.

A person holds a credit card over an open laptop.
Columbia Photo Library

Subscribe to learn tips and tricks for using this cloud-based repository of images, video, and other files that can be accessed by all current faculty, students, and staff.

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